In addition to the human figure, the Puzzling Project confronts a series of other subjects; the transmutation of brush strokes into mosaic tiles is particularly effective with the Venetian hillside landscapes extrapolated from paintings by Titian, Giorgione and Cima da Conegliano as well as those of a series of 19th century paintings of the Venetian Lagoon by Guglelmo Ciardi.
Moreover in homage to the landscape of his native environment namely that of the Venice Lagoon, Morucchio makes a temporal exception to the Renaissance subjects chosen for the Puzzling classic works.
In this case he takes as his reinterpretative source the works of the late 1800s Venetian painter, Ciardi, whose paintings show a Lagoon still unspoiled by today's tourist exploitation, reminiscent of the idyllic and pristine one in which Morucchio as a younger man rowed his boat.