Certificate of Authenticity
Norma de Saint Picman
Marina Portorose, to Iza Sia Login, Water Paintings series

"Experience the mesmerizing beauty of the ever-changing sea captured in oil-on-collage-on-canvas through the masterful brushstrokes of this painter. From the serene shores of Soline and Strunjan to the bustling Marina Portorose, immerse yourself in the captivating water paintings that evoke the sheer magic of nature's canvas.”

The painting was created in summer, en plein air, in situ, at the moment of light changing, at the Marina Portorose. The painting process is executed mainly in three steps; first, graphic paper collage, forms are already being placed into the composition itself, secondly, acrylic painting blue, green, and turquoise is being applied and dried horizontally ( preparation in the studio), third, painting is executed outside, in plein air exposition, process filmed partly, starting with a crayon drawing firstly and then oil colors applied gradually, as the sunset approaching thick paint is added as highlights. Normally, it is one day expression painting with generally no retouches afterward.

Production year
Object type
100 × 120 × 2 cm
oil on canvas, acryllic on graphic paper collage
Production Location
Certificate of Authenticity
Our patented certificates are designed to evolve over time, unlike paper certificates. All changes to the certificate are registered on the blockchain, proving a clear and trusted timeline of the certificate’s evolution.
Verified issuer
Creator authorized
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Created by
Norma de Saint Picman, 1963
Signed by
Certificate Signature
Issued by
Norma de Saint Picman
Owned by
Feb 1 2024 23:45:58 UTC
Mar 13 2023 14:35:17 UTC

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