Dr Philip Davies, founder of ‘The Martians’ and Mars Register Ltd has teamed up with Verisart Inc to provide extra security and reliability to the Mars Land Claim certification process. This Certificate of Authenticity (CoA) serves to enhance the verification of ownership of the associated Mars Land Claim Certificate. Thus the identity of all valid Mars Land claimants can be reliably verified.
The Mars Land Claim Certificate is stamped (at the bottom of each page) with the unique transaction number and original purchasers email address. The same transaction number is associated with the accompanying Certificate of Authenticity (CoA). The CoA ‘lives’ on the blockchain (blockchain.com) as a unique ‘non fungible token’ (NFT). Thus the current legitimate holder of a Mars Land Claim can be reliably identified and verified.
If ownership of a Mars land Claim certificate is to be transfered (either by free donation/gift/will or by sale/auction) then both the Claim Certificate and the CoA must be transfered to the new owner. NOTE: both claim certificate and CoA simply serve to identify the legitimate current holder of a claim to Mars Land Possession within “The Martians” communal claim (registered via Mars Register Ltd).
Currently the process for sale or transfer is as follows:
Transfer/sale is agreed (if this is by sale or auction then we recommend a reliable escrow process).
The PDF document containing the Claim Certificate bundle is transfered to new owner.
The secure (https) web address for repeat downloads of the the Claim Certificates is transfered to new owner.
The CoA is transfered to new owner (a very simple transfer via the Verisart.com website).
The new certificate owner becomes the new legitimate Mars land claimant, and must notify Mars Register Ltd of the completed transfer - plus pay a small administration fee (via the Transfer of Claim section in Mars Register website).
If administrative problems/errors arise when transfering CoA it is likely that Verisart can quickly resolve the matter.
We suggest you intermittently check for important updates in the News section of the Mars Register Website.
NOTE: Celestial Sales is the secure sales outlet for Mars Register Ltd.