NFT, 0:40 min, 1920 × 1080 px, Ethereum
About the Work:
Part of 'Automorph', a series of generative videos which explores (self-)awareness, change and manipulation. Where do we begin, where do we end? Which influences shape who we are, how do we manipulate ourselves, our emotions?
Sound: Ateq
Artist Statement:
'Automorph' created by Lichterloh is a series of generative videos which explores (self-)awareness, change and manipulation. A simple algorithm based on random numbers generates the natural structures in real-time, while vario
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Production year | 2022 |
Asset type | MP4 |
Dimensions (H x W) | 1920 × 1080 px |
Duration | 0:40 min |
Minted on | Verisart Custom Contract |
Blockchain | Ethereum |
Contract address | |
Token ID | |
Owner |
Verified issuer
Creator authorized
Physical link