The CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY serves as proof of ownership of the edition.
1. The work is envisaged to be produced as a regular engineering printout (36 in x 24 in)
2. You will be responsible to produce a printout from the received pdf file.
3. You are expected to possess only ONE hard copy of the work.
4. Should the hard copy be damaged in any way you can always print out a new copy of the purchased print. In such a case the old hard copy should be destroyed.
5. Prints themselves are never signed by the artist.
6. The market value of the work lies in the Certificate of Authenticity. The printed images themself are deemed to have artistic value only.
7. Any transaction of transfer of ownership rights will entail recording of the transaction via VERISART portal.
8. After the transfer of ownership, you can keep ONE printed copy of the work for your own entertainment.