About the Work Those who purchase the first seven motifs of Julian Rosefeldt’s latest edition, PENUMBRA I-VII, will receive the eighth and final motif gifted as a collectors edition to round out the set. This Collectors Edition cannot be purchased individually, it is only available to those who have procured all of the seven preceding editions, I-VII. To coincide with the current exhibition of Julian Rosefeldt's 85-minute film PENUMBRA (2019-2022) in the NAVE of St. Agnes, the artist will release a limited-edition series of eight film stills printed on fine art paper. Beginning on Monday 20 June, and each following Monday thereafter, a new edition will be released and remains available only until the end of the exhibition on 7 August. Those who purchase the first seven motifs of the edition will receive the eighth as a collector's edition which cannot be purchased individually. PENUMBRA is the latest filmic work by Rosefeldt, which explores a future past, filled with luscious scenery, including ancient ruins and contemporary ravers. Beginning in the dark regions of space, Rosefeldt's camera moves over deserts and buildings, finally arriving in a verdant forest populated by individuals dancing and moving to the beat of their own rhythm. Details Signed and Numbered Motif: 30 x 53,50 cm, paper: 36 x 59,50 cm Please note: Edition numbers will be selected at random when the edition ships This Collectors Edition cannot be purchased individually, it is only available to those who have procured all of the seven preceding editions, I-VII. This Drop ended on 7 August 2022, 6 PM CEST.
Julian Rosefeldt | Penumbra Collectors Edition | View certificate