Certificate of Authenticity
Artem Andreichuk
Hasta La Vista russia

‘Hasta La Vista russia’ includes a combination of pop culture references and bright colours to create a playful yet clear message. At the centre of the piece, the ‘Terminator’ looks forward with his red glowing eyes, whilst two irritated Daffy ducks stand on either side. Underneath, the famous catch phrase from Terminator 2 is changed to ‘HASTA LA VISTA russia’, with a particular emphasis on the lack of capitalisation of ‘russia’. This piece represents the attitude that many Ukrainians hold, determined to be victorious and confident enough to be playful about it. Behind these comical pop culture figures, the viewer can sense the resilience and resolve they represent.

Production year
Object type
Digital Artwork
4568 × 2788 px
Asset type
Certificate of Authenticity
Our patented certificates are designed to evolve over time, unlike paper certificates. All changes to the certificate are registered on the blockchain, proving a clear and trusted timeline of the certificate’s evolution.
Verified issuer
Creator authorized
Physical link
Created by
Artem Andreichuk, 1983
Signed by
Certificate Signature
Issued by
Lysenko Gallery
Owned by
Lysenko Gallery
Signature image optimized
Dec 12 2022 13:32:17 UTC
Aug 28 2022 21:34:03 UTC

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