About the Work For his edition with KÖNIG GALERIE, Andreas Schmitten drew a set of 36 motifs on cards that recall the children’s memory game. Each edition comprises a unique set of twelve of these rosé hued cards, housed in a wooden frame painted in the same light pink tone, and hand-finished with the addition of a coloured element. The drawings displayed in this frame represent a continuation of the ongoing series CHIMERA ELECTRIFIED. Here, the individual motifs are a rough approximation of standard instructional manuals used to demonstrate safety measures, with one very glaring alteration: in lieu of security, these simple icons display the gory results of protocol run amok. Lurking inside of this seemingly innocuous game is the dark and disastrous side of household objects, commodities that can deliver convenience as well as catastrophe. The cards thus reveal themselves in actuality to be a series of anagrams of disaster – a severed head as pot cover, a tongue pierced with a spoon, a finger cut in half with a box cutter, a trachea breached by a pair of headphones, the partial amputation of a penis – coupled with seemingly benign representations of axes, bottles, and fingernails. These exaggerated reversals of fortune are like those that animate Schmitten’s sculptural practice more generally, where the deeply ingrained everyday is unmasked, rendered darkly humorous, and demonstrates how the most harmless objects can lead to very tragic ends. About the Set For those wishing to acquire three copies of the edition as a set, the artist will ensure that all 36 motifs are contained therein. A Verisart Certificate will be provided for each CHIMERA ELECTRIFIED edition. For those who purchase a complete set of three editions, only a single Verisart Certificate will be generated as all of the motifs together are conceived of as one total work. Details Unique, signed and hand-finished Print and coloured pencil on cardboard mounted on Canson Paper Size framed: 41,60 x 32,20 x 4 cm Frame: Acrylic glass, pink lacquer on wood, pink spacer Please note: Edition numbers will be selected at random when the edition ships This 72-Hours Drop ended on 1 August 2022, 6 PM CEST