The series, "True to Type" explores negative spaces and inverse relationships. "No entry" and "give way" traffic signs are superimposed upon a "bitcoin" and "cattle herd" respectively - signifying the "permissible" and the "forbidden". When a country inhibits cryptos and promotes a policy of cattle herding instead, it sends Stop! Go! signals. The artwork is satirical, addressing socio-economic policy and leadership in NG (NG is the 3rd largest crypto market). The work appears as an assemblage of colourful dots, seemingly randomly dispersed, resembling M&M's or candy, each dot though, is a bitcoin. It provides the viewer with an almost delectable and enticing sensation. The true subject of the portrait is not brought into focus until one considers negative/inverse spaces (the color inverse reveals the subject). On the one hand, "TrueTo Type", is addressing the duplicitous policy to cryptos in NG and on the other the empty veiled promises of political leadership.