Starting with our first digital artwork in 2008, we discovered the paradoxical nature of the virtual world and its decentralization. We realized that the key geographical point of all Data that has no particular geolocation is Null Island. Paradoxically we could say that it’s a center of a decentralized world, the middle of nowhere, a place with coordinates 0°N 0°E. The spherical object in the ocean is reflecting the physical and digital environment while at the same time distorting its shape digital waves.
Physically, this point is located in international waters in the Gulf of Guinea, in the Atlantic Ocean. The location is used by mapping systems to trap errors. Such errors arise, for example, where an image artifact is erroneously associated to the location by software which cannot attribute a geoposition, and instead associates a latitude and longitude of "Null, Null" or "0,0". That is where we’ve placed the AR version of this NFT which you can see through the Recycle Group app.
Sound design by Information Ghetto, 3D production by Alexey Severin.
This certificate includes access to a 4K version of the video as well as a downloadable interactive app.