The bear in nature is a strong and fearsomepredator, but in the world of culture it hastaken root as a symbol of tenderness,intelligence and optimism. The bears cannotbe separated from our childhood and thecultural experience even as adults. Meetingthem through stories, series and moviescreates something graceful and charming,fatherly, caring and sympathetic that ispleasant to meet at any age. The GummyBears Project was born in the difficult daysof the War started at October 7, and isentirely dedicated to the babies, children,women and men held captive by Hamas inGaza.
The project features 241 limited editionsculptures by the artist Maayan Bachar,which are handmade using a uniquetechnique and luxury materials. A sculpturefor each of the hostages held in Gaza
Maayan Bachar | one of 239 | View certificate